Why is Grounding/ Earthing so important

Did you know that those beautiful northern lights and amazing lightning storms in the sky are a result of an interaction between electric subatomic particles being released from the sun and the earth’s magnetic core? 

Have you ever wondered how living directly in the middle of those 2 active fields of energy affect our own bodies?  Once we separate and isolate ourselves from the earth’s surface, we are no longer absorbing those stabilizing electrons.  Meanwhile, we continue to absorb the positively charged electrons from the earth’s atmosphere causing static electricity to build in our bodies.

Every living thing in this universe is made up of active sources of energy called subatomic particles. Every cell in our body is made up of subatomic particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons.

These subatomic particles release unique frequency patterns that create our physical bodies. When these unique frequency patterns are agitated or weakened, this causes energetic imbalances that result in physical imbalances and symptoms.  

To achieve Core Health and Balance, it is important to understand that we are energetic beings before we are physical beings. Our energetic bodies were created and designed to be stable and neutral conductors(zero body voltage) between the earth’s positively charged atmosphere and negatively charged surface.  

The Qest4 Bioenergetic Scanner is a tool used during client wellness evaluations to help assess where there may be energetic imbalances in the body. 

My goal as a Holistic Health Practitioner and a Bioenergetic Testing Practitioner is to assess both energetic and physical imbalances, and then guide you with a custom protocol that will assist your body to self-heal as it was designed to do.  

Did you know that 99% of all active wear shoes on the market isolate us from the earth’s surface? 

Now consider how much of your life requires the use of electricity.

Everything around us plugged into a wired source of electricity is omitting positively charged electromagnetic fields that our bodies are actively absorbing, whether it’s powered on or not. Have you ever wondered why it feels so good, almost mentally and physically therapeutic, to put your bare feet in the grass or in the sand at the beach?

When the body isn’t being energetically or electrically stabilized by the earth’s surface, those positive electromagnetic fields we are absorbing start to cause our own body voltage to rise.  Our body voltage suddenly goes from being neutral(zero volts) to anywhere between 1 - 40+ volts when touching, or even standing near, any household electronic or device that is plugged into an active source of electricity. . Phones, tablets, gaming systems, laptops, computers, tv’s, electrically powered furniture, lights, lamps,  appliances, etc. are all omitting electromagnetic fields into the atmosphere that we are actively absorbing every single day.  

A constant rise in our body voltage disrupts our own energetic patterns and meridian pathways.  

Constant agitation or disruptions to our energetic flow patterns cause weakened and/or stressed disruptions on a cellular level, which in turn cause physical deterioration and symptoms.