Nice to meet you. I’m Brandi.
I’ve been studying natural healing for over 25 years so, I thought, I knew everything about diet, exercise, and supplement support to maintain my own health. By my mid 30’s, my health started slipping out of control and it seemed every change I made would only help for short periods of time. Nothing I did was helping me feel better. I was diagnosed with 3 autoimmune diseases by the age of 40 and losing that control of my physical health started to impact my mental and emotional health.
Battling with hyperthyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and celiac disease started getting the best of me. Every time I went to see a doctor, all they wanted to do was put me on more medications to mask my symptoms. I felt defeated and knew I had to make a change.
That’s when I was introduced to my own Holistic and Bioenergetic Practitioner. I was skeptical at first, since the energy part of it was unknown territory for me, but I was desperate for help. She used the Qest 4 scanner to dig deeper into my energetic imbalances and was able to see where I needed change and support. It changed my life. I have been successful with reversing my rheumatoid arthritis and thyroid disease without the use of any pharmaceuticals and feel like I am in my 20’s again.
Where my health was just 5 years ago compared to where I am today is proof that our bodies can self heal when following the right protocol for your own individual mind, body and spirit.
My own self healing journey lit a fire in me to take my education and career to the next level, so that I could help others achieve true Core Health & Balance just as I have.
Brandi Torres
Holistic Health Practitioner, accredited with the Board of American Association of Drugless Practitioners(AADP)