Are you ready to embrace
holistic healthcare?
It’s unfortunate that we live in a world that constantly promotes symptom relief over root causal relief. Western medicine(Big Pharma)/symptom relief is absolutely
amazing for those temporarily suffering from trauma and/or emergency situations, however when you start depending on that band aid as a lifestyle, it actually weakens other body systems and disrupts your body's self healing process.When we don’t feel good, this system we live in has programmed us to reach for quick symptom relief such as prescriptions medications, over the counter medications, drugs, alcohol, unhealthy diets/lifestyles, and other “quick fixes” that pull us f
farther away from true Core Health and Balance. If you have a headache, cough, congestion, gas, bloating, pain, inflammation, etc., there is a pill out there being marketed for every single symptom you can imagine.
As a holistic health practitioner, (also known as integrative health practitioners and wellness practitioners) I integrate an alternative, drugless, and natural approach with assisting the whole physical body to self heal, as it was designed to do. We are seeking root causal issues and will consider all aspects of an individual’s health and well-being; physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual, when determining the best fit wellness protocol and/or program. Protocols can include, but are not limited to, dietary changes, lifestyle changes, supplemental support, grounding, detox programs, life coaching, etc.